Training packages


Below you will find details and links to a wide variety of training packages for peer-based programs (predominantly peer education). My-Peer doesn’t necessarily endorse the individual packages but they should provide you with templates and ideas for developing your own training specific to your program context.

KOPING Adolescent Program Facilitators Manual and KOPING DVD (2008)

The KOPING DVD and accompanying CD ROM resource has been developed to support children, young people and their families whose parent/s are living with a mental illness or dual diagnosis by providing information about other young people’s experiences, ways of coping and how to get help. The program and resources were developed by the Child and Youth Mental Health Service, Queensland Health.

The Koping Adolescent Facilitators manual is a step by step guide to running the Koping Adolescent Program (KAP). KAP is a 3 day psychoeducation, peer-support based program developed for young people between the ages of 12 and 18 that have a parent or carer affected by mental illness or dual diagnosis. Along with the appropriate KAP Facilitator Training, this manual and accompanying DVD give you a step by step guide to running a Koping Adolescent Program.

Not available online.

The DVD and CD ROM set will retail at $50 (inc. GST and p&h within Australia). The Koping Facilitators Manual and DVD package will retail at $90 (inc GST & P&h in Australia).

WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Training Manual (2006)

The California WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Training Manual “Mothers Helping Mothers” is now available to download. This manual was designed specifically to train peer counselors to provide breastfeeding support to WIC participants. On the website you will find handouts, session outlines and activities.

Youth Peer Education Toolkit  (2005)

The Youth Peer Education Toolkit is a group of resources designed to help program managers and master trainers of peer educators. Collectively, these tools should help develop and maintain more effective peer education programs. The five parts of the toolkit are based on research and evidence from the field as well as local examples and experiences. They are designed to be adapted locally as needed. The toolkit resulted from a collaboration between the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Family Health International. It was produced for the Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER), a project coordinated by UNFPA.

For more information:

Holroyd Youth Peer Education Project (2004)

In 2004, Holroyd City Council auspiced a four-year innovative project called the Holroyd Youth Peer Education Project. This project is supported by the NSW Government, through a grant from the Area Assistance Scheme.

The project has an emphasis on capacity building for young people aged 15-19 years from the Holroyd Local Government Area. It provides an avenue for young people to contribute to the well being of their community by providing leadership and mentoring training, based on a peer education model.

This is achieved by:

  • engaging and training young people to create appropriate effective communication processes amongst young people
  • creating opportunities for the peer educators to communicate knowledge and skills to young people
  • creating partnerships to assist with the development and implementation of the project

Available online where you will find several manuals to assist with the development and implementation of peer education programs.

Youth sexuality, reproductive health and environmental education: Peer educators’ training manual (2003)

The Training of Trainers manual was developed by the Path Foundation Philippines. It is designed for use among Community Health Outreach Workers (CHOWs) who will in turn train selected 17-19 year old Youth Peer Educators (YPEs) using the Peer Education Training Manual. It contains information about physiology, gender, sexuality, fertility, contraception, safer sex, sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, and related reproductive health topics. It also contains information about the linkages between population and the environment and the role of youth in protecting and conserving the environment. Information gained from the workshop is supplemented with skills exercises, such as: facilitating group activities; postponing/safer sex; communicating with adolescents; and identifying networks and support services.

Peer Education: From Evidence to Practice: An alcohol and other drugs primer (2003)

This resource on Peer Education is a useful example of how to translate best evidence into meaningful action. The reader is provided with a user-friendly guide in ways to implement peer education including information regarding developing and implementing peer education training.

AIDS: Working with young people  (2003)

A training manual developed by AVERT for use with young people aged 14 and over in youth clubs, training schemes and schools. It includes exercises and games introduced by a background text which gives an overview of the medical and social aspects of AIDS as well as advice on HIV/AIDS education.

  • For more information: Or order by mail at: AVERT,11, Denne Parade. Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1JD, UK
A participatory handbook for youth drug prevention programs: a guide for development and improvement (2002)

The main purpose of this handbook, is to provide tools for both young people and adults who want to establish drug prevention programmes with the participation and active involvement of youth and the community. This handbook will also be useful to those who are already involved in existing youth drug prevention programmes and who are interested in assessing and improving their established programme. The resource was produced by the United National Office on Drugs and Crime.

Guide to Implementing Teens for AIDS Prevention: A Peer Education Program to Prevent HIV and STIs (2002)

Advocates for Youth’s Guide to Implementing TAP (Teens for AIDS Prevention): A Peer Education Program to Prevent HIV and STIis a step by step guide to implementing an HIV/STI prevention peer education program in your school, faith community, AIDS service organisation, and/or community-based organisation.

Project H – working with young men to promote health and gender equity (2002)

This manual, developed by Promundo, includes five topics: sexuality and reproductive health; fatherhood and caregiving; from violence to peaceful coexistence; reasons and emotions; and preventing and living with HIV/AIDS. Each topic contains a theoretical section and a series of participatory activities to facilitate group work with young men (between the ages of 15 and 24).

Gender or sex, who cares? Skills-building resource pack on gender and reproductive health for adolescents and youth workers: With a special emphasis on violence, HIV/STI, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion (2001)

This resource pack, which includes a manual, curriculum cards and overhead transparencies/handouts, provides an introduction to the topic of gender and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). It aims to complement training materials on SRH by providing a participatory tool to differentiate gender from sex and to show how gender affects SRH.

Youth for Youth: A Project to Develop Skills and Resources for Peer Education: Final Report (2000)

A report produced by the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA).The report presents the results of the Youth for Youth project-the first part the development and implementation of a peer education training program to develop skills andto conduct peer education activities.

Friends tell friends on the street (2000)

A very comprehensive manual aimed to develop psychosocial skills of street children. It includes over 116 well-explained activities on various topics (general health, drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, child rights, personal safety, job search) and another 87 exercises to practise core life skills.

Not available online.

  • For more information or to order: Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre, 1871 Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10330,. Tel. 662 256-4107-9, Fax 662 254-7577.
Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse: A Facilitator Guide (2000)

This Facilitator Guide has been developed in order to facilitate planning and implementation of the Workbook for Project Operators training course of the UNODC/WHO Global Initiative on Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse. Ideally, it should be used hand-in-hand with the Workbook as a supplementary resource.

Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse. A Facilitators Guide. A workbook for project operators (2000)

This workbook is primarily for project operators involved in the UNODC/WHO Global Initiative on Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse. However, others involved in prevention work can also benefit from this resource. While many ideas, models and examples of prevention exist, this workbook only addresses the basic issues in primary prevention: project development and community mobilization. The intent is not to train experts, but simply to provide a reasonable foundation for effective work, to stimulate innovative and creative thinking and to equip people to train others.

Action with Youth – HIV/AIDS and STD: A Training Manual for Young People – Second Edition ( 2000)

A manual  developed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies intended for youth leaders to help set up an HIV/AIDS health promotion programme with young people. It includes basic information on HIV/AIDS and the impact of the epidemic, guidelines for programme planning and a range of ideas for educational activities and community projects.

Working with street children. A training package on substance use, sexual and reproductive health including HIV/AIDS and STDS (2000)

A comprehensive training package developed for street educators (and other people involved in programs for street children) comprising two parts:

  1. Ten training modules, which provide information on the problems street children may face and essential skills and knowledge educators need to function in a dynamic environment on the street
  2. Trainer Tips, a manual which provides ideas on how the subjects can be taught, includes information on selected topics and gives options that could help the trainer or educator in adapting local needs and resources.

For more information:

Know the score (1999)

Drug education is the focus of this peer education resource. Designed to be used as a preparation programme for peer educators, this publication includes:

  • Hints and tips on the strengths and challenges of peer drug education work
  • Photocopiable training manuals that can be used to train peer drug educators
  • Activities that peer educators can use or adapt to increase other young people’s awareness about drug issues
  • Different ways to evaluate peer drug education initiatives
  • Case studies of two different peer drug education projects
  • For more information or to order: or by mail at: Youth Clubs UK, 2nd Floor Kirby House,20-24 Kirby Street, London EC1N8TS, UK.
My Future is My Choice: Extra Curricular Life Skills Training Manual for Adolescents – “Protecting our peers from HIV infection”. (1999)

The Youth Health and Development Program, Government of Namibia & UNICEF has developed a 10-session programme aiming to give young people information and life skills they need to make decisions about their future. The program has been developed with and for young people ages 15 to 18.

Peer education and HIV/AIDS: Concepts, uses and challenges (1999)

This report introduces the goals and objectives of the consultation, discusses the definition of and the theory behind peer education, and presents the findings of prior efforts to analyse HIV/AIDS peer education programmes. The paper also presents the results of the needs assessment and the literature review, and concludes with recommendations aimed at further defining a set of best practices in the area of HIV/AIDS peer education.

European guidelines for youth AIDS peer education (1998)

The aim of these Guidelines is to provide guidance on setting up, running and evaluating AIDS peer education projects for young people. They were written with the practitioner and policy maker in mind, but should be useful to young people or anyone else wishing to gain an understanding of the approach. The Guidelines are a product of the Europeer project, formally titled ‘The European Joint Action Plan on AIDS Peer Education to reach Young People in and outside the School System’. The project is financially supported by the European Commission, the Swedish National Institute of Public Health and the Department of Community Medicine, Lund University.

You can’t be serious! (1997)

You can’t be serious! is a series of resources for peer educators, covering five priority areas: accident prevention; cancer prevention; heart health; mental health; and sexual health. Each book contains: guidance on the role of a peer educator; background information on the issue; activities for use by peer educators; and a case study.

  • For more information or to order: or by mail at: Youth Clubs UK, 2nd Floor Kirby House,20-24 Kirby Street, London EC1N8TS, UK.
Yes me! (1996)

This booklet was developed by Youth Clubs UK. It  is easy to follow and outlines a user-friendly self-development programme designed to help potential peer educators gain understanding and skills needed to run a peer learning group.

Yes Me! clearly demonstrates the benefits that peer education has on the young people who participate by encouraging them to look at themselves, identify their qualities and strengths. It looks into topics such as non-verbal communication and group dynamics as well as helping a young person explore why they might want to be a peer educator.

  • For more information or to order: or by mail at: Youth Clubs UK, 2nd Floor Kirby House,20-24 Kirby Street, London EC1N8TS, UK.
Life planning education: a youth development program (1995 )

Advocates for Youth’s popular family life education program, Life Planning Education: A Youth Development Program, includes chapters on sexuality, relationships, health, violence prevention, and community responsibility as well as chapters on skills-building, values, self-esteem, parenting, employment preparation, and reducing sexual risk.

Packed with interactive exercises, supplemental leaders’ resources, participant handouts, and a complete guide to implementation, this resource is appropriate for use in schools and other settings for sexuality/life skills education, HIV prevention education, and pregnancy prevention. The  package is designed for use with young people ages 13-18.

Peer to peer: youth preventing HIV infection together  (1993)

This resource for programme planners and youth workers was developed by Advocates for Youth and examines the rationale and research behind the peer education approach to risk reduction with a focus on HIV prevention. It outlines in detail successful model peer education programmes.

Keep Safe Stay Cool (n.d.a)

Keep Safe Stay Cool is an early intervention program developed by the Southern Area Health Service targeting young people between the ages of thirteen and twenty-five years. It uses a peer education model to promote healthy relationships as opposed to domestic violence. Keep Safe Stay Cool utilises a framework of reciprocal human rights to encourage change in young people’s beliefs, attitudes and behaviours regarding interpersonal relationships. The program aims to encourage the understanding of mutual responsibilities with a view to reducing the incidence and tolerance of domestic violence.

After extensive training, which includes information and skill development, Peer Educators of both genders design and present series of interactive sessions to high school classes and youth groups. The Peer Educators work in mixed gender pairs to present to mixed gender classes. Keep Safe Stay Cool is an education program, not a therapeutic program. However, there are indicators that it has value for young people who are dealing with issues of abuse.