Camp Evaluation Questionnaire

Individual Activity, Participant Use, Program Evaluation on February 24th, 2010 Comments Off on Camp Evaluation Questionnaire


The Camp Evaluation Questionnaire is an online questionnaire designed to be completed by young people who have attended a camp or retreat. The tool can be modified to suit local program requirements and needs.

Further Details

The Camp Evaluation Questionnaire is an online questionnaire which provides a confidential method of collecting feedback from camp participants. Since handwriting cannot be recognised, young people may feel more able to give honest and direct feedback about their camp experiences to program staff/volunteers. Some young people may also find it easier to write comments using a computer.

The Camp Evaluation Questionnaire has been created using Survey Monkey which is a website that allows users to create and edit surveys, collect and analyse results quickly and easily. Survey Monkey enables users to view their results as they are collected and generates standard reports showing overall group responses as well as individual answers. Users can also create custom graphs and charts.

The software is easy to use even for those with little or no experience in evaluation. The software has a privacy policy which states that all the data collected remains absolutely confidential. Survey participants are given access to the survey through the Survey Monkey website or can be sent a link to the survey via email or sms. The survey guides participants through the survey which includes a range of response types – comments, scales, multiple choice, tick boxes.

The version included in this guide was tested in a therapeutic peer support program for young people at risk of depression, suicide or self harm. It contains 7 sections:

  • Introduction
  • Information About You
  • Goals
  • Peer Support
  • Knowledge of Self
  • Handling Problems
  • Overall

The survey can easily be copied and modified to meet the requirements of specific camp-based programs.

Suggested Uses

The Camp Evaluation Questionnaire should be implemented after every camp to enable datasets to be compared over time and to identify trends and areas for service improvement.

Download User Guide + Tool

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